Lidl Resubmits Swords Planning Application Written by North County Leader:
The news that German supermarket giant, Lidl has resubmitted their planning application for a store at Pinnock Hill, Swords, has been roundly criticised by one Swords councillor.
Joe Newman (Ind) spoke to the County Leader about his concerns regarding the possibility of a supermarket being located in a built up residential area. “I have been contacted by a number of residents of Carlton Court, who have expressed their concerns over this new planning application. I want to emphasise that people need to put submissions in, if they disagree with the development of the supermarket. This is an example of bad planning in the area.” “Residents of Carlton Court already experience difficulties with parking and trying to get in and out of their estate. Some staff of the Pavilions Shopping Centre use the estate to park their cars, and this new development will only add to the problem,” he said. We are already well served with supermarkets, and I feel there is no need for this latest one, in such an unsuitable location,” said Newman.
Meanwhile, resident of Carlton Court, Jim Butler told the County Leader, “It is very dangerous for children out playing in the estate. However, the real problem is entering and exiting the estate, and is a real hazard for drivers. If Lidl get their planning permission, there will be a further 30 staff cars at least, using Carlton Court to park their cars. Traffic on the green in the estate, has become so bad, that a Panda truck recently knocked down a tree, trying to manoeuvre. This is not just a problem for Carlton Court, it’s a problem for all of Swords,” he said.