Extra Garda Request-Motion.

I put down the following motion as the Swords Community has had umpteen house burglaries and car over the last ten years. I think it is becoming the norm and we are just expected to live with this sore on our society. The Government and the courts need to get tough on crime and provide the citizens of this state with the security they are entitled to. if we cannot reduce the crime of burgulary and theft in the community I fear for the future of our country as it will become more lawless than at present and that means law abiding citizens will be persecuted by the criminals and their like.


“That the Chief Executive write to the Garda Commissioner and the Minister for Justice to request that extra Garda and civilian staff along with High Spec Garda cars fit for purpose are allocated to Swords Garda Station.The current staffing at Swords Garda Station appears to be under resourced and inadequate to tackle the ongoing burglaries and robberies in the area”.

Report If the Motion is passed the terms contained therein shall be conveyed to theGarda Commissioner and the Minister for Justice and when a response is received the Area Committee shall be informed.

(I accepted an amendment to the motion to include Balbriggan)

Motion Passed.


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