River Valley All Weather Pitch Proposed



The All Weather Pitch Proposed will replace an existing Soccer and  GAA pitch. It is also proposed to create a 135 space car park. Please see the information below.

if you wish to make your views known log on to the consultation link and make a submission or observation. I can be contacted on 0872457729 or email joe.newman@cllrs.fingal.ie.

Plans and particulars of the proposal will be available for inspection from Wed 31 January 2018, to Thursday 1 March (between the hours 9am to 5pm Monday to Thursday and Friday, from 9am to 4.30pm) at The Offices of Fingal County Council at County Hall, Main Street, Swords, Co. Dublin and Fingal County Council Offices, Grove Road, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15.

  • A 3rd Generation synthetic all-weather pitch. The pitch will be a full sized GAA pitch also providing for soccer and other sporting codes. The perimeter will be fenced and the pitch will be floodlit by 6 no. 18m high floodlights.
  • A 103 space car and 5 space coach park (with permeable surfacing and public lighting) will be provided to service the needs of the pitch users and to improve access to the park. An additional overflow car park on reinforced grass with space for up to 32 parking spaces will be provided adjacent to the main car park.

Plans and particulars of the proposal will be available for inspection from Wed 31 January 2018, to Thursday 1 March (between the hours 9am to 5pm Monday to Thursday and Friday, from 9am to 4.30pm) at The Offices of Fingal County Council at County Hall, Main Street, Swords, Co. Dublin and Fingal County Council Offices, Grove Road, Blanchardstown, Dublin 15.

Plans and particulars of the proposal can also be viewed on-line on the Fingal County Council website: http://consult.fingal.ie/en/browse

Submissions or observations with respect to the proposal dealing with the proper planning and sustainable development of the area in which the development would be situated, may be made from Wednesday 31 January to Thursday 15th March either online through the website: http://consult.fingal.ie/en/browse or in writing to:-

Senior Executive Officer
Planning & Strategic Infrastructure Department
Fingal County Council, County Hall
Main Street, Swords, Co. Dublin, K67X8Y2

All comments, including the names and addresses of those making comments, submitted to the Council in regard to this proposal will form part of the statutory report to be presented to the monthly meeting of Fingal County Council. Accordingly they will also be included in the minutes of that meeting and consequently will appear on the Council’s Website.

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